Financial Planning for
high-income professionals

Seeking to be successful empty nesters

Professionals seeking to be successful empty nesters face complex dilemma’s:

  • You need to make decisions and develop a plan that takes care of you and those close to you.

  • You’re living in a complicated time, managing a profession, a family, and likely children from birth into adulthood.

  • You’re good at delegating but haven’t found the right trustworthy financial planner that is a comfortable fit to help you make important decisions.

  • Your time is very limited and even more valuable.

  • The emotional toll of preparing to empty nest, or actually empty nesting, is much more difficult than you imagined - you want more simplicity in your life.

Our Services include:

Financial and Retirement Planning

Debt and Cash Flow Management

Investment Management

College Planning

Coordination with Estate Planning, Tax Planning and Risk Mitigation

Are we a match?

This is a long term relationship - our expertise and culture may be a good fit if you:

  • Want to develop a plan to successfully empty nest, or you are a current empty nester and want financial planning to live with purpose during your next stage of life

  • Are a delegator that wants to find trusted expert financial planners to implement the best mutually agreed upon plan for your future - that you desire to work with to and through your retirement years

  • Are currently or have been a high income earner (Annual income in the high 6 to 7+ figure)

  • Have a need for college planning for your children or grandchildren

How It Works

Our Process

Step 1:

Introductory Phone Call

  • 20 Minute phone call

    • Mutual “fit” discussion

    • Explain the Statherós company and team servicing structure

    • Explain of our client process and next steps if a “fit”

Step 2:

Discovery Meeting

  • 45-60 Minute in person or video conference as desired

  • Fact Finding meeting only - we will prepare you with what information you will need to have available for this meeting. This is an information gathering meeting only - your lifetime objectives, goals, as well as necessary financial elements required to build a comprehensive financial plan

Step 3:

Planning Presentation

  • 60-90 minute preferably in person meeting

  • Present Comprehensive Financial Plan

  • Discuss how to implement the plan

  • Review the process of how we will take you to and through retirement